Hartman Institute and JCC Maccabi Games


Scholar Micah Goodman of the Hartman Institute

Learning at the Hartman Institute. I have spent most of the last 10 days learning at a think tank called The Shalom Hartman Institute. They call themselves the "leading center of applied Jewish thought and education, serving Israel and North America." They are an intellectual center that has some terrific and famous (at least in the Jewish academic world) scholars, and they run all kinds of programming, including a fair amount of Israeli-Arab dialogue. Every summer about 100 rabbis, mostly Conservative and Reform but a few others as well, for an intensive learning seminar centered around a common theme. This year the theme was exploring the tension between individual autonomy (a very American value) and communal obligation (a very Jewish value). In the modern world, they are held in great tension, and each speaker, utilizing Jewish texts, explored a different facet of this, such as Creed, Sacrifice, Shabbat, Holiness, Conviction, Compromise, and more. Are any of these things achievable in a world which is increasingly about the individual? Hopefully, we can explore these topics in adult education classes at TBA sometime next year.

I had gone 12 years ago as well and was less than satisfied (it was just way too political for me), but this year, despite overwhelming politics and it being a necessary part of all discussion with Israel's current situation, the learning was much more balanced and text oriented, and I loved it.  I also had some great chats with colleagues as well.  

My Chevruta Learning Partners, Rabbi Ken Carr of Boston Area and Rabbi Alan Litwack of Miami
Also got to spend time with classmate Rabbi Mike Moskowitz

Special Performance from Singer and Actor Tzachi Halevi of Fauda and Israel's The Voice

JCC Maccabi Visit. In the middle of the seminar I took a day to go to Haifa to see some Beth Abraham athletes compete in the JCC Maccabi games, which were held in Israel this year. This is not the same as the Maccabi games held every other year in Israel, where countries compete against one another. This is communities competing. It is usually held in North America, but this year was in Israel, so the kids and families get to tour again. It was great to see the Bay Area soccer team smash a team from Washington as well spend a lovely lunch with the Mailman and Ross families.
Winger Jacob Zatkin and Goalkeeper Eli Mailman

The Mailman and Ross Families

Protests Heat Up. With another bill regarding the Judicial Reform (see my first post from Israel) up for a vote, protests continue. Lots of people out in the streets, but essentially no violence, thank God.

A Rabbi and a Minister. I also took a Canadian Minister from Edmonton on a tour of the modern parts of Jerusalem, as her special program was mostly taking place in the Old City and the West Bank. I thought it was important to show her what modern Israel is like, and she asked some great questions. This was set up by my good friend Pastor Karen Stepko of Saskatchewan. 
Pastor Anna Thede of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

And a few more visitors as well, including a Northwestern Jerusalem gathering (both the current Hillel Director and the one who served when I was there in the 80's were in attendance), the Bornstein family from Beth Abraham, and Micah's good friend from BBYO Eli Eccles.
Lunch with Daniel and Renuka
Northwestern Alumni Jerusalem Gathering at Bardak

Northwestern Hillel Director and Rhode Island Friend Michael Simon
Micah's Friend Eli

And later today...Micah himself comes for a visit. Can't wait!
He's changed just a bit since then....


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