Shavuot, Siyums, and Siblings
Shavuot . A few years ago, the congregation allowed me to take a special trip to Israel just to observe this incredible holiday in Israel. Yet Shavuot is the least well known and most underrated of all the major Jewish Holidays. Ask someone if they have heard of Chanukah, and the answer is almost always yes. Ask about Shavuot, and even most Jews are befuddled. Shavuot celebrates the receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It is actually one of the three great Pilgrimage Holidays, along with Passover and Sukkkot. But Passover has the Seder and Sukkot has the Sukka (temporary hut like dwelling), and Shavuot, often occurring after school has been let out, doesn't quite have the attention grabber. But it does have great traditions, including the eating of dairy foods (the reasons are manifold ), as well as the tradition to stay up all night studying sacred Jewish texts, called Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Back home, we only make it until Midnight. Here in Israel, most of the sessions do...