Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Tel Aviv Friends, and 5 Minutes from a Terror Attack
View of the Mediterranean Sea from our Tel Aviv Apt. It's hard to describe what the two days of Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut are like here in Israel. It's the heaviness and the excitement in the air, the Israeli flags waving everywhere, the siren of silence, the revelry, the barbecues, the general mood. In some ways, these are their biggest holidays. Yom Hazikaron is Israel's Memorial Day, and it's for and about the many soldiers who have died in battle. So many families are directly affected by this, and if you didn't lose a relative in your own family, plenty of your friends did. There are no appliance sales on this day, but there are a whole lot of programs (tekes, it is called in Hebrew) that honor these people. There is also a moment of silence at 11 AM, and, just like with Yom Hashoa, everyone stops what they are doing, gets out of their cars or homes or offices, and stands at attention. However, as soon as that day ends, the evening changes to Yom...